July 27, 2011

Way on back, back. Way on back!

Bonus points for anyone who has any inkling of where the title is from. I fully expect only my family (and probably only my brothers) to even come close. But when I discovered these long lost, blog-intended pictures on my camera this phrase popped into my head! And then I considered forgoing the intended blog post (because I get a twitch from having posts out of order & we've already started the vacation blogs!), but I felt that my brother & soon to be sister-friend deserved their featured moment!

Since Ariel (currently living in Texas) and Nic (currently living in Nebraska) were both in Michigan (just an hour away!) for some pre-wedding events (the previously mentioned shower) and planning, we took advantage of their close proximity and her parents' hospitality and joined them for an evening and a bbq. The twins had a blast.
The highlight of the evening - picking (and EATING) black raspberries!

...and messy!
Then a walk in the garden.
Her parents have one of the most beautiful yards/gardens that I have ever seen. You almost forget that you are actually in a city! They also make fabulous food...and the reasons there are no pictures of it was because I was too busy enjoying said food to snap any pictures

We are only 2 1/2 weeks away from the wedding! Yay!!!


Kim said...

And, YES! This DOES mean that I have found a USB chord to borrow...which was how I discovered the pictures from weeks ago that had been buried in vacation pictures!

Anonymous said...

Yum!! Obviously they didn't take after Great-uncle Paul and were allergic to berries!! Lots of black faces and fingers! Sweet pictures. Yes, seeing you all for the wedding is getting closer and closer! Yay!! Hugs, Grandma