August 18, 2012

Coming Home

And the race catch up the blog before VBS...when I will disappear for another week...or two...
My parents drove us home - along with the VBS decorations their church loans to ours each year (our church couldn't financially support VBS without this help), 7 boxes of yard sale donations, the bookshelves my dad built for the twins as part of their beds (which will travel here at a later date), and our luggage.  You can't see it very well here, but we were pretty squished.
 Disappointed that they didn't get go on any fun adventures with their grandkids in Nebraska, my parents decided to work an adventure into our trip home - a stay at a hotel with a pool.  My kids are at the age where they think hotels are amazing - elevators, different beds, and pools.  Dad and I took them swimming.

 Once home, we immediately got to work transferring our yard sale to a storage facility (a couple miles away) where an aunt of a friend generously donated space for us to set up for a big highway specific yard sale...the day after Lucas got home.  So it went like this: get home Thursday, immediately start pricing new donations, spend most of Friday transferring the many boxes and tables for the yard sale, pick up Lucas at 11:59 pm Friday night, get home at roughly 2am Saturday morning, get to the yard sale by 7:30 am to finish setting up, spend the whole day Saturday trying to sell stuff to raise money for our adoption, collapse that night.

We summoned enough energy to squeeze in another adventure before my parents left (they drove home Tuesday).  We hit up one of our favorite zoos!
My mom hates pictures of herself, but I like this one - taken because Beulah Miller (which just happens to be on the sign) was her grandma's name!
 Riding with Papa
 The Gibbon
My camera battery died about 15  minutes after we got there though...figures.  Oh, well, we had a fun adventure (seeing the animals, riding the carousel, and feeding giraffe's) even if I have no pictures to prove it!

It was wonderful to have my parents for the 2 weeks during, and a little after, Lucas' Haiti trip.  I was sad to see them leave.  Sigh.  Nebraska and Michigan just need to be closer...


Anonymous said...

I agree it was a long trip home even with my naps and papa driving the whole way. was so glad for the time to be with you and the twins and then Lucas and Ariel and Nic too. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Kim, I agree--Michigan and Nebraska should be a lot closer together. I loved the picture of you packed in the pickup leaving our driveway!! It doesn't really show how you were packed in like sardines though. It was such a joy to have you and the kids here!!! Love, Grandma