October 31, 2012


Update: I just realized I never mentioned anything about the costumes!  "Quick" synopsis: I have wanted them to be Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween since I found out I was having twins.  The Cat and the Hat was a favorite growing up (my dad still has long portions memorized).  To my delight, the twins have fallen in love with it as well (I am proud to have long portions now memorized myself!).  The biggest challenge (in my mind) was the blue hair.  Then I had the lightbulb moment where I realized I could just sew blue yarn to stocking caps.  I told the twins what they were going to be (no fight from them - thank goodness).  I held my breath when others asked them what they were going to be (afraid they would want something different after I had already put in the work!), and not only did they never waiver but they even agreed on which one should be Thing 1 and which should be Thing 2 (something I actually hadn't thought about...).  When presented with a costume idea I was sure they would like better, they simply responded, "I like that!  Maybe I will be that next year."  Phew.  They were as delighted with the costumes as I.  Success!

This year we decided to go Up North for Halloween.  I have always thought that Halloween would be more fun with the grandparents, so we went to Nana's!  Not only did we enjoy a restful couple of days   at her house, but we had a really fun Halloween.
Skyping with Lala.
 Mischievous Things getting into the candy.
 A sweet little Thing lining up the (many) stolen goods
(bonus points if you can guess which twinner!)
We wanted to get some pictures first things (before their wigs were all crooked and their costumes got dirty).  It was a challenge to get them to stand still.  Once in costume, they seemed to fully embody the personalities of the Things from the Cat in the Hat - moving fast and into everything at once.  Thankfully, they weren't quite as destructive!
One cheesy smile...

"Mom, are you done yet?"
 We started by driving around to visit family that lives in the area (namely the great-grandmas).  We called to let them know we were coming - which is good because they apparently don't usually get trick-or-treaters and didn't have candy in the house.  But they spent the time collecting goodies they thought the twins would like, and they seemed to compensate for lack of candy with a large volume of other surprises.  After 3 places the twins' bags were full!
Great Grandma D
 Little Grandma
Aunt Darleen with her first trick-or-treaters ever!
 Aunt Darleen borrowed Allie's wig.  I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of her wearing the wig, but I did capture her face as Allie snatched it away!
Then we went to a couple of houses of friends.  I should note that we expected the weather to be rainy and crummy (the rest of the weather was during our time there), but it cleared up during trick-or-treat time.  Since their wigs were actually stocking caps, and Nana helped us find red gloves to cover their hands, we put extra layers of clothing underneath their costumes and let them go without coats.  I repeat, they were fully clothed underneath their costumes and I checked frequently to make sure they weren't too cold.  It actually ended up being pretty perfect.
Waiting at the first door...I can honestly say that the bags are the only thing that let me know which is which!
 We ended the evening with dinner at McDonalds (we went out pretty early so that it would be light while we went the the houses).  It turns out that McDonalds gives away Sundays on Halloween!  The twins got the largest dish of ice cream they have ever had in their life!  Then we headed home to try to help them unwind and get to bed
Checking out their "booty" - as Allie calls it.  The girl apparently wants to be a pirate...
 Sneaking candy even though I made it clear I did not want them to eat any...and, in the name of consistency, I snapped a picture of the offense before correcting it!
As I put them to bed Ryan said, "Mommy, that was so fun.  Can we go trick-or-treating again tomorrow?"  and Allie keeps begging to go back to Nana's house (because she thinks she will get more candy?).  Thank you, Nana, for such a fun Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Is it Ryan getting candy and Alethea waiting by the side. Gigi

Anonymous said...

Also its the strong gene of the Ryans. Thats what I have thought they have the same nose. Gigi

Anonymous said...

They were so cute!!!!! Sounds like you all had a fun Halloween! Grandpa and I went to your Mom and Dad's and enjoyed their little goblins on Halloween. Was fun!!
Hugs, Grandma

Lauren and Jeff said...

I think that's Allie lining up the candy on the sofa.

Kim said...

I think everyone has guessed going to, so I will reveal which Thing is which! Ryan is lining up the candy by the sofa. Ryan is also the one reaching into the candy on the counter. Confession: I honestly thought it was Allie. I just looked back to double check...zoomed in to see which candy was being pulled out of the bowl...and realized it was twizzlers. Allie took M&M's while Ryan took the Twizzlers. Thank goodness they have distinct candy tastes or I would have had to confess that I didn't know!

Anonymous said...

i thought it was ryan but somehow i just seen this blog..i don't know how i missed it. NANA