July 12, 2005

Crossing the Finish Line

My Uncle's Amazing Race Part II:

I know a lot of you wanted to hear how my uncle's race went, so I wanted to give you a follow up. Due to time constraints they weren't able to fully complete the race, but they did finish the 2 1/2 mile run, the 10 mile bike ride, a portion of the 2 mile canoe race (I don't know exactly how long they went), and the mystery events before they crossed the finish line. It was a difficult undertaking, but they all crossed the finish line in one piece (from what I hear they were VERY sore and tired, but they finished nonetheless). They did a lot more than I have ever done in one day, that's for sure. I know that they really appreciated your thoughts and prayers. I definitely did (it was hard to be so far away. I really wanted to be there to watch the race and offer encouragement). In the picture above my uncle Jon is in the bottom left and my uncle Paul is bottom right. My youngest brother Matt is the one in the back. They look so happy and relaxed that I'm assuming this was taken before the race. The bottom picture is of one of the mystery events. You can see my uncles doing the wheelbarrow while my brother Matt (the young and fit one of the team) is resting in the sand.


Anonymous said...

It was hard being there and watching them brutalizing their bodies. Matt was the 1st to wheelbarrow each one had to do each event. He was waiting for the rest. His girlfriend was there and even inspired him to maybe do this with her next year. Here we go again! mom, Ryan

Anonymous said...

It was really hard being in that race. being along with John was one of the hardest things. Seeing him in pain during the events was difficult. I wanted so much to help him in any way I could. Watching him was all the energy and inspiring I needed. (although, it was nice having my girlfriend their to inspire me more!!;) Just imagine that after I was done the next week I am getting up at 4:45 and staying up till about 12. So I am going to go sleep for a few days. good-night. Matt Ryan (The young and fit one. lol, yeah right!!)

Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB GUYS!!It would have been hard to watch, glad I wasn't there but so happy you accomplished such an ordeal. Lucas you should be in that next year!! haha...i know you could do it. mom
Hi Kim...

ldmiller said...

For anoyone else that might read this I wanted to make a correction. It seems that although the first leg of the race was advertised as 2 1/2 mi. the race leaders surprised the runners with a cross country race closer to 4 1/2 mi., and started the race with 150yds running through thigh high water...the story keeps impressing me more and more!