May 28, 2012

Texas Adventures Part 2: Water Babies

I mentioned before that the twins were so excited to wear their new swimsuits, but they also got to wear their brand new floaties!
A friend of ours had these for her daughter last year, and it was amazing.  I wasn't so thrilled with the ability of the suits with the built in vests to keep their heads above water (they tended to tip them forward), but this has all of the flotation in the front and secures with a buckle!  They were amazing.  They could literally swim on their own (we were always right there, of course, even if you can't tell by the picture).

 They loved the freedom!

 It is always fun having a pool to play in, but we also were excited to get back home to our lake - you just can't replace the fun of a sandy beach.  Now that I feel confident in their floaties, we will hopefully make it to the lake a lot!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how fun! It would be fun to have floaties like that for adults so one could laze in the water. I haven't swam for years. Wonder if I still can! Have a great day, Grandma

Anonymous said...

looks like fun!! Love the suits ... Hugs, Nana

Anonymous said...

good pictures, Nice to see you in some of them too. Gigi