Nana is here, and I was finally able (as in, I actually remembered), to get the pictures from her camera of Allie's day with me.
Allie & CC climbed into the toy chest (Allie was the instigator)
Our Easter festivities start tomorrow and continue all weekend (for the grown-ups Maundy Thursday Service tonight...but there won't be any pictures of that).
So cute to see them playing together! And, again, there is so much hair ...
The Hair was the first thing I noticed too. So cute, they looked like they were having so much fun too.Gigi
So much hair AND so curly. And beautiful!! Fun,fun. Yes we are involved with Holy Week. We just had a very moving Good Friday service. How awesome that our Savior took every single sin of ours within Himself to the cross and they stayed behind in the grave! Blessed Easter to you all, Grandma and Grandpa
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