Because I know that the pitiful pictures will (and did) break their grandparents' (and great grandparents') hearts, I made sure to take lots of pictures of our events today - as evidence that the twins truly ARE better.
We always tend to hit the ground running after we've been sick, and this time was no exception. Today we started with our normal Monday morning event - grocery shopping. I have no pictures of grocery shopping - because with me pushing a stroller, pulling a cart, handing the twins snacks to keep them happy (which didn't work throw a screaming ry-guy into the mix), racing through the aisles grabbing the items on my list as if I were in a game show...there are no hands left to take a picture!! We also had 2 stop at 2 stores today...and with an unhappy little man who screamed through both it was an exhausting adventure.
But I apparently hadn't had enough because I decided to take them to the park again today.
They love the swings and cannot get enough...
Then we had a picnic by the water where we watched the geese (they very quickly showed that they were afraid of us, so I wasn't too scared...). Then we went to meet daddy and played in his study...
They checked out the books on the bookshelf
Picked out a few to read
Allie did some work with daddy
They cruised around the furniture
Allie was generally more interested in cruising than brother...
And somehow, daddy managed to actually get some work done!
On the trip home we stopped by for a quick ride on the swings (because I had sort of bribed ry-guy with another ride on the swings when I took him out the first time...and even though the bribe wasn't effective, I didn't feel I could rightly say, "I PROMISE we will come back and swing again a little later," over and over without following through). There were some high schoolers who were playing basketball near the swing set and Ryan was thrilled. He watched them like a hawk! Allie, in the meantime, enjoyed having daddy swing next to her.
On the walk home, we bumped into a gentleman from the community who we had met in passing before, and stopped to chat. The babies enjoyed meeting his dog Ty (a giant black dog...we were unsure of what kind...almost like a lab mixed with a st. bernard). Allie liked Ty as long as he kept some space between them, but Ryan had his hands out reaching for Ty whenever he wasn't near, and he liked Ty right up next to him licking his hands. One would think I would have been nervous having such a gigantic dog next to my babies, but this dog was so chill - he just exuded calm!
It was a full day - and we have no end to full days ahead of us as we (the babies and I) are preparing to leave for NE on Friday! There is so much to do before you might not hear from us again before we go...but hopefully I'll be able to update from there!
checked the blog before going to bed...just to see healthier kids!! Allie really looks great, ry looks like he might be having trouble (maybe teething) or something. He just seems sad but better days are ahead for sure. Daddy looks great working at his new desk. Glad to hear and see all of this. Our swings are up at the Lakeside Park!! Hint Hint....hugs from Nana
No worries. The best pictures were of Ryan's serious moments. He is his normal, happy self :) And his screaming fits are all related...he has lately started to rebel against being buckled into anything - stroller, booster seat, car seat - it seems to be more of a figth for independence than anything else.
One of my parenting philosophies is also to always follow through when I say "I promise". People think babies/toddlers are too young to understand, but I know that if I don't follow through now it will become a bad habit that would be hard to break down the road.
Thanks for sharing fun pictures instead of snot stories today!
Hi Kim! I found your blog through facebook and wanted to let you know I added it to my list of mommy blogs to keep up with. Maybe I'll start my own blog here soon. :o) Your babies are so adorable and you take great pictures! Maybe by the end of the summer they will be chasing Emilee at the park. ;o) See ya around!
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